ZEE5 Ads Manager Ad Formats

ZEE5 Ads Manager Ad Formats

You can achieve the objective through different ad placements available on ZEE5 Ads Manager:

Video Ads

1. Bumper - Bumper ads are 6 seconds or shorter videos that let you reach more customers and increase awareness about your brand. Click here to know more.

2. Pre-rollA pre-roll ad is a 10-30 second non-skippable video ad that automatically plays before the video stream starts. Pre-roll video ads are perfect for new product launches, awareness or to promote special offers. Click here to know more.

3. Mid-roll - A mid-roll ad is a 10-30 second non-skippable video ad that plays within the video stream. Mid-Roll video ads are great for branding, sequential story telling or driving consideration. Click here to know more.

4. Post-roll - A post-roll ad is 10-30 second non-skippable video ad that plays almost at the end of the video stream. Click here to know more.

Display  Ads

1. Medium Rectangle - A Medium Rectangle ad is a 300x250 banner ad unit that is placed above and below the fold. Click here to know more.

2. Native Desktop - Native Desktop ads are desktop display ads that are placed on the web when a user is browsing through content. Native Desktop ads match the look, feel of the app/site, and provide a better reach for your brand. Click here to know more.

3. Leaderboard - A leaderboard is a 728×90 Banner Ad Unit that is placed above and below the Fold on websites for High Viewability. Click here to know more.

4. Mobile Banner - A Mobile Banner ad is a 320x50 ad unit and these types of ads are displayed at the top and bottom of the screen. Click here to know more.

5. Native Mobile - Native Mobile ads are mobile display ads that are placed on the App and Mweb when a user is browsing through content. Native Mobile ads match the look, feel of the app, and provide a better reach for your brand. Click here to know more.

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